Raja Yoga is a systematic process of harmonising one’s life, leading to a stilling of the fluctuations of the mind.

Original commentary,
Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, Chap 1 sutra 2

Raja Yoga

Effort to Effortless

from 22 September 2024

Yoga for enriching every day
A sequel to Yoga with Attitude
New from Sharing and Learning Yoga
Six day residential program
Ten weeks self-discovery at home
Small bites for large insights

This new course is a major refinement of the current Raja Yoga program.
More accessible, time efficient, community orientated, lively, with an emphasis on learning together.

6 day residential

Intensive at Rocklyn Ashram

  • A week of balanced yoga practice with an emphasis on coming to understand Raja Yoga in daily life
  • In-depth introduction to key aspects of yoga practice, including asana, pranayama, yoga nidra and meditation from a Raja Yoga perspective
  • Simple and integrated approach to key Raja Yoga concepts
  • Group discussions, engagement in ashram life
  • Sunday 22 – Friday 27 September 2024 at Rocklyn Yoga Ashram

There are three aspects to practical yoga, effort (Tapasya), self reflection (Swadhyaya) and letting go (Ishwara Pranidhana). This is the journey from effort to effortless. This isn’t a linear journey. It is a continuous cycle. Effort lays the ground for greater resilience and capacity. Self reflection leads to deep understanding of when to apply effort and when to be open to inner experience.

Original commentary, Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, Chap 2 verse 1

10 weeks self discovery

Integrate in Daily life

  • Weekly explorations, daily tasks
  • Integrated practical yoga with simple approach to concepts
  • Raja Yoga qualities revealed through guided self exploration
  • 10 weeks self-discovery in daily life
  • Regular short videos and email inspiration over the 10 weeks
  • Live online guided group tutorials
  • Simple incremental personal practice guide for developing personal Sadhana
  • Email support from experienced teachers
  • Three online practical yoga classes given weekly.
  • Optional ongoing access to course website
  • Optional one on one teacher sessions
  • Approx five hours a week, though more engagement is likely to provide greater progress
  • Monday 7 October – Saturday 14 December 2024

Life long skills

Manage Life’s Ups & Downs

  • Build a toolkit of yoga asana, pranayama, yoga nidra and meditation suitable for supporting the development and maintenance of a regular personal practice
  • Raja Yoga qualities and strategies for managing one’s life, including yama and niyama, are explored and revealed through guided self exploration and sustained immersion
  • Learn to utilise yoga to manage ups and downs, and fluctuations of the mind
  • Create ongoing connections with like minded people looking to make yoga a central part of their life

Practical details

Standalone modules or combine for full benefit:
Residential $750
10 week Self discovery $750
Combined $1100

Besides learning many techniques and yoga practices, I’ve learned so much about myself during the course. Observing and reflecting on behaviors, thoughts, and emotions has created some space within to be at ease, to rest, to come back when feeling lost or entangled in the mind. I’m very grateful for this journey of self-discovery and self transformation.

Raja Yoga course participant 2022