Karma Yoga course

Karma Yoga

Living Yoga

Karma Yoga qualities in daily life
Taken directly from the Bhagavad Gita

New format

Commencing Jan 2025
6 day residential at Rocklyn Yoga Ashram
12 weeks Self discovery (approx 5 hrs per week)

“Having abandoned attachment to the fruit of the action, ever content, depending on nothing, they don’t do anything though engaged in activity.”
Bhagavad Gita Chap 4 verse 20

6 day residential

Intensive at Rocklyn Ashram

  • A week of balanced yoga practice with an emphasis on coming to understand Karma Yoga in daily life
  • In-depth introduction to key aspects of yoga practice, including asana, pranayama, and meditation, with a karma yoga focus
  • Simple and integrated approach to key Karma Yoga concepts such as: Samatwan – balance, Atmabhava – seeing unity with all beings, Lokasangraha – concern for the welfare of all, Shantata – serenity. and other practical strategies for engaging in life without entanglement within it
  • Group discussions, engagement in ashram life
  • Sunday 20 to Monday 27 January 2025 at Rocklyn Yoga Ashram

Practical details

Standalone modules or combine for full benefit:
Residential $750
12 week Self discovery $750
Combined $1100

10 weeks self discovery

Integrate in Daily life

  •  Weekly explorations, daily tasks
  • Integrated practical yoga with simple approach to concepts
  • Karma Yoga qualities revealed through guided self exploration in life
  • Regular short videos and email inspiration over the 10 weeks
  • Live online guided group tutorials
  • Simple incremental personal practice guide for developing personal Sadhana
  • Email support from experienced teachers
  • Three online practical yoga classes given weekly.
  • Optional ongoing access to course website
  • Optional one on one teacher sessions
  • Approx five hours a week, though more engagement is likely to provide greater progress
  • From Jan 28 2025

Life long skills

Engage with life more fully and flourish through its challenges

  • Explore Karma Yoga qualities and strategies for managing one’s life through guided self exploration and sustained immersion
  • Build a toolkit of personal practice, and skills for engaging in life suitable for growth  towards fulfilling human potential
  • Learn to utilise Karma yoga to manage physical and mental health.
  • Create ongoing connections with like minded people looking to make yoga a central part of their life