
Supporting you
develop independent
yoga practice

is at the heart
of what we do


Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga image
Build your wellbeing and vitality

Creating positive patterns for daily life, health, wellbeing, learning to harness energy for a more fulfilling life.

Includes 5 day residential and 10 weeks online

January 2025

Raja Yoga
Effort to Effortless

Concise jewels and useful tools for managing the patterns of everyday life.

includes 6 day residential and/or 10 weeks online

from 22 Sep 2024

Bhakti Yoga
Bhagavad Gita courses
Uplift yourself

Connecting with the positive as a source of personal transformation. A unique approach to chapter 7 to 12 of Bhagavad Gita.

Includes weekend residential and 10 weeks online

from 31 May 2024

Jnana Yoga
Get to know your self

Jnana Yoga is a sadhana for cutting through to the simple and true. It is a way of discerning what is essential. It involves perceiving one’s self, others, and place in the universe, with harmony and balance. Explores Bhagavad Gita chapters 13 to 15.

Next runs in 2025

classes and community
Be part of our community

Regular yoga classes help keep the enthusiasm for personal practice.

We offer a range of yoga classes and courses and opportunities designed to support and develop your personal yoga practice.