Sharing and Learning Yoga Community Membership categories

  • Community – Open – $70 a month – open to everyone. If you wish to attend one or more yoga classes a week, this is the place to begin. Additional classes have been added to this plan.
  • Community – Complete – $75 a month – for those who have completed our longer courses or have extensive experience in the tradition. Some more advanced practices based on shared understanding and skill level.
  • Community – Plus – $120 a month – incorporates Community Complete plus gives priority access to new resources and courses coming in the year ahead. Substantial savings for repeat enrollment in longer courses.


  • Single class term enrolment, 10 weeks, $150
  • Short courses, multiple classes per week for 4 weeks, $150-200

About each class option

Different community membership options have a range of classes available.
These are indicated by the colour letter code next to the class description.

Many classes are available separately by enrolling in a 10-week term, indicated below.

Community Open classes – O

Community Complete classes – C

Community Plus classes – P

Simple Sunday

A traditional 1hr 30min Satyananda style class each Sunday morning 7-8.30am.* This is a general class available to all. This class is based around Pawanmuktasana series 123 asanas (postures), essential pranayama (breathing) techniques, and a short meditation.

This class runs throughout the year, including through term breaks, except on some Public holidays and over Christmas

During winter term the class will switch to Sunday evenings.

Included in O C P as well as a standalone term of classes.

Term 2: 
Sunday June 9 – Sunday August 18

Term 3:
Sunday Oct 6 – Sunday Dec 15

Sunday Yoga Nidra

30min from 11.30am

A systematic lying down relaxation/meditation. Complete rejuvenation in an accessible package.

Included in O C P as well as a standalone term of classes. Contact us for further details of standalone classes.

Monday Chanting

30min from 5.30-6.00pm

Thirty minutes of essential daily chanting. Aimed at supporting personal practice at home.

Included in O C P

Meditative Wednesday


A meditative approach to all aspects of the class, including asana, pranayama and meditation.

Only vailable to Community members, students who have done longer courses with us, or with substantial current experience in the tradition. There are entry restrictions on this course. Contact us if any questions.

This class runs throughout the year, including through term breaks, except on some Public holidays

Included in C P as well as available as a standalone term of classes

Term 2: June 5 – Aug 14
Term 3: Oct 9 – Dec 11

Village Wednesday


A general Satyananda style yoga class tailored for the participants, including asana, pranayama and yoga nidra. Friendly atmosphere, origins in a local village class that went online.

Included in O C P as well as a standalone class.
Contact us for further details for standalone classes.

Rise and Shine

Friday 7.00-8.00am

Each class consists of dynamic asana including Surya Namskara, pranayama focusing on Viloma and Nadi Shodhana and meditation of Kaya Sthairyam or Ajapa Japa.

A progressive class requiring some experience in the tradition. Familiarity with Surya Namaskara (Salute to the Sun), Nadi Shodhana and meditation is required to attend this class. If you are looking to learn Surya Namaskara, please get in touch as we may have another class for you.

Included in C P as well as a standalone term of classes

Big Day In with Yoga

Usually 2nd Sunday each month, during terms

A day of immersion in yoga, revitalise and rebalance your personal practice and your life. Includes morning class, short talks and meditation, yoga nidra and afternoon class.

No prior experience required.

Remaining Dates for 2024:
Jul 14, Aug 11, Oct 13, Nov 10

Included in O C P as well as a standalone offering for $35.

Guide to Yoga
Saturday Morning course

A course covering new material and practices runs for 4 weeks each term. Careful systematic exploration of each aspect of the Satyananda system of yoga. Recordings of previous courses available to all Community members.

Learn simple yoga tools as a support for health, wellbeing and every day living.

Practical class 7.30-8.30am
Demonstrations and discussion 11.30-12pm

Included in O C P as well as a standalone course

Remaining dates for 2024:
Jun 8 – 29, Oct 12 – Nov 2

Essence of Meditation
Saturday Morning course

A course covering new material and practices runs for 4 weeks each term.

Exploration of meditation with a different focus and practice each course.

Recordings of previous courses available to Community Plus members.

Practical class 7.15-8.30am
Demonstrations and discussion 11.30-12pm

Live online classes, Simple Sunday and Meditative Wednesday, included as option for each week of the course.

Remaining dates for 2024:
Jul 20 – Aug 14, Nov 9 – Dec 4

Included in C P as well as a standalone course


Categories of membership

Community Open

Community Complete

Community Plus

Simple Sunday class Included Included Included
Sunday Yoga Nidra Included Included Included
Tuesday chanting Included Included Included
Wednesday evening class Included Included Included
Meditative Wednesday Included Included
Rise and Shine Friday Included Included
A Guide to Yoga
Saturday courses
Included Included included
Essence of Meditation
Saturday courses
5% discount Included Included
Bhagavad Gita courses 5% discount including residential with 10% discount, including residential Online courses included
small fee for residential
Branches of Yoga courses 5% discount including residential 10% discount, including residential 15% discount including residential, repeat courses free, small fee for residential
Day programs
Big Day In with Yoga (regular Sunday) Included Included Included
Video & audio recordings
Current and recent
Class recordings
Included Included Included
Extensive archive of resources and classes Partial Partial Included
Access to previously completed courses Included Included
Additional resources and advanced courses with purchase Included
New yoga books, resources and courses 5% 10% Most included
Course Discounts 5% 10% 15% to 100%


Retake current version of previously completed courses  with 10% discount Included
Monthly fee $70 $75 $120

NOTE: We take breaks over Christmas and New Year starting from mid December. During term breaks throughout the year less live classes are available, however, there is usally at least two live online classes during these times, with ongoing access to recordings.

NOTE 2: Residential courses have discounts, but percentages may vary to those listed above. Instructor Modules have no discounts.

NOTE 3: Some class and course options are only available to those who have done longer courses with us.