The one who hates no creature, who is friendly and compassionate to all, who is free from attachment and egoism, balanced in pleasure and pain, and forgiving, ever content, steady in meditation, possessed of firm conviction, self-controlled, with mind and intellect dedicated to Me, this person is dear to Me.
verse 13 – 14 chap 12
Bhakti Yoga
through the Bhagavad Gita
commencing 31 May 2024
Residential weekend at Rocklyn Yoga Ashram (Evening Friday 31 May – Sunday 2 June)
followed by 12 weeks supported online consolidation, reflection and practice.
A unique approach to chapter 7 to 12 of Bhagavad Gita
Connecting with the positive as a source of personal transformation
No formal prerequisites – for experienced students.
Approx 5 hrs per week
Bhakti Yoga is often misunderstood
It is said to be about devotion to God. This immediately creates a barrier to many.
If we put this aside, and consider Bhakti Yoga as a process of linking with the positive aspects of human potential, the journey becomes one that is accessible to all.
Bhakti Yoga is a realignment of the personality. Through yoga sadhana (practice), we become open to the journey of transformation from darkness to light, from ignorance to understanding. We begin this journey and develop a relationship with the divine as we go along.
Ultimately practice becomes experience. The divine comes to meet us and support us on our journey.
Concepts explored in an accessible way include:
- Bhava (becoming),
- Shraddha (faith, trust)
- Yajna (offering, transformation)
- Daan (giving)
- Sravana (positive listening)
- Kirtana (positive expression)
- Smarana (constant remembrance),
- Seva (service)
- Atmabhava (seeing the divine in all)
- Atmanivedan (self surrender)
Bhakti Yoga weekly timetable for online component
All times AEST – example timetable subject to clarification
Essential classes
Monday 6.30-7.45pm Practical Yoga class
Tuesday 5-6pm Lecture
Tutorial time to be decided
All classes delivered live and then also available as a video recording for viewing at your convenience. Tutorial is live only.
Optional classes
Meditative Wednesday class 7-8.00am
Simple Sunday class 7-8.30am
Sunday Yoga Nidra 11.30-12pm
Some of the activities in the course
- Explore daily verses and tasks from chapter 7 to 12 of Bhagavad Gita in your personal practice and daily life in a playful, non academic, down to earth way.
- Practical classes reinforce the themes and practices within the courses.
- Fortnightly focuses on key aspects of Bhakti Yoga.
- Explore and nourish the possibilities of a personal relationship with the divine through practical and playful exploration, according to your nature and personality
- Share stories and lives of saints from different traditions, with poetry and stories illumining key themes.
- Narada Bhakti Sutras is explored in parallel with the Gita.
- Develop a japa and mantra sadhana.
- Cultivate awareness of the divine within all life in the midst of daily experience.
Learning resources
The course is supported by:
- A comprehensive learning website,
- A full original manual with commentary closely follows chapter 7 to 12 of Bhagavad Gita with additional related reading on related topics
- Daily verses for reflection from Gita, with a related task to explore in daily life, throughout the program.
- A combination of live and recorded lectures and practical classes with option to follow video recordings in your own time.
- Weekly tutorials with participants from around the world.
- Non academic in approach, it is up to you how much time you spend.
- Move at your own pace. Lots of flexibility.
- Ongoing email, text and phone support from experienced teachers throughout the length of the course.