Sharing and Learning Yoga Term calendar 2024

Term One – February – April 2024

Feb 11

Simple Sunday, morning class 7-8.30, throughout the year O,C,+

A traditional 1hr 30min Satyananda style class each Sunday morning 7-8.30am. This is a general class available to all. This class is based around Pawanmuktasana series 123 asanas (postures), essential pranayama (breathing) techniques, and a short meditation.

Meditative Wednesday, Wednesday 7-8am, throughout the year C,+

Village Wednesday, Wednesday 6.30-7.45pm, throughout the year O,C,+


Sunday Yoga Nidra, 11.30am-12pm, during terms O,C,+

A systematic lying down relaxation/meditation. Complete rejuvenation in an accessible package.


Rise and Shine

Friday 7-8am, Class with Surya Namaskara, during terms C,+

Available as both a standalone sequences of classes each term and as part of Community Membership, Rise and Shine is a weekly class exploring the qualities of energy and balance.

Each class consists of dynamic asana including Surya Namskara, pranayama focusing on Viloma and Nadi Shodhana and meditation of Kaya Sthairyam or Ajapa Japa.

A progressive class requiring some experience in the tradition. Familiarity with Surya Namaskara (Salute to the Sun), Nadi Shodhana and meditation is required to attend this class. If you are looking to learn Surya Namaskara, please get in touch as we may have another class for you.


 Big Day In with Yoga, Sunday February 11, a complete day of yoga O,C,+


Guide to Yoga 2

4 weeks from February 10, Saturday morning, systematic guide to aspects of yoga sadhana (personal sadhana). This current course features Pawanmuktasana 2, Viloma, Kaya sthairyam and Yoga Nidra in the context of balanced classes, supported by illustrated resources and short talks on practice. O,C,+

Divine Life

Six week course from March 4, based on chapter 16-18 of Bhagavad Gita. Live online practical class, lecture and discussion session each week. +

This course looks into the concept of Living the Divine Life, bringing the life described in Bhagavad Gita into the every day. Living according to positive patterns with a sacred connection held at the centre, seeing the Divine within and in every experience and interaction.

Big Day In with Yoga

Sunday March 10, a complete day of yoga O,C,+

Holding and Letting Go

A day of yoga practice with a morning class, and sessions throughout the day including a short talk, meditation, and yoga nidra.

The theme of the day is Holding and letting go. When we hold on to an aspect of yoga practice it helps us give less priority to other things, to begin to let them go. When our focus is on one thing, we are less likely to feel overwhelmed, better able to act with clarity and direction.

Yet, when we seek to hold our awareness somewhere, it wanders off, when we want to let something go, it holds on stronger than ever. There are steps to take with yoga, so that, when the time is right, both processes possible.

Essence of Meditation, four week Saturday morning course from April 6. Systematic introduction to meditation with a specific different focus each time the course runs balanced classes, with an additional short meditation each week. C,+

This course will feature breath and mantra and will explore Ajapajapa meditation.