Deepen your experience of meditation

This weekend retreat features a range of meditation techniques. Short sitting periods are interwoven with asana and pranayama. This is interspersed with creative and dynamic tasks and activities such as Likhit japa (mantra writing), drawing, creative writing, and walking meditation in nature.

An incremental progression throughout the weekend is designed to help clear mental clutter and move towards focus and clarity.

A step by step practical guided weekend suitable for those with little experience of yoga, with nuances that will appeal to established practitioners.

A weekend retreat like this is much more than a single yoga class. It culmulatively and immersively builds the effects of yoga to create clearing on multiple layers, physical, energetic and mental. It is then possible to step more lightly, focus more easily, and see direction in life more clearly.

Creating Clarity

Spring Meditation Retreat weekend

Friday evening 29 Sep – Sunday Afternoon 1 Oct  2023

Venue: Rocklyn Yoga Ashram

Teacher: Swami Vimalratna

Fee: $350

Fee includes all tuition, share accommodation and meals.
Private accommodation options also available

Swami Vimalratna

About the Teacher

Swami Vimalratna has decades of experience as a yoga course developer and yoga teacher. The innovative approach to this meditation retreat is designed to facilitate the meditative journey while not burdening the body with long periods of sitting or leaving the mind to wrestle with itself without respite.

Over the weekend, we will move back and forward between tasks aimed at opening and expanding awareness, in counterpoint with tasks that create focus on a single aspect of experience. Join us for a different take on the whole idea of a weekend meditation retreat. Vimalratna

About the Venue – Rocklyn Yoga Ashram

We have been going to Rocklyn Yoga Ashram for over 25 years. Beautiful bush environment. Traditional Yoga ashram unique in Australia. Comfortable warm rooms. Great venue for a meditation retreat.