raja yoga header 2023

Raja Yoga

6 day residential 22  – 27 September 2024,
followed by 10 weeks online from Monday 7 October


About Raja Yoga

The Raja Yoga practices and concepts are thousands of years old, the heritage of humanity, and more relevant today than ever. They are designed to foster deeper self awareness, wisdom through self reflection and insight, inner connection and a more balanced life.

Raja Yoga is often thought of in terms of meditation and the inner journey. First steps on this adventure reveal that every aspect of life contributes to the harmony that makes the journey possible. This includes yoga asana and pranayama, daily routines, alignment of feelings and thoughts, and balanced interactions with others. Only then is consistent progress possible.

The course draws directly on the classic text on Raja Yoga by Patanjali, the Yoga Sutras. It contains many concise jewels, useful tools and strategies for understanding and managing the patterns of the mind. This includes skills for self-reflection and developing sustained regular practice.

Patanjali helps us develop understanding of the nature of the obstacles we place in our own path and provides powerful techniques for overcoming them. A down to earth approach to this classic text makes its mysteries accessible to contemporary life.

One of the starting points to understanding and applying Raja Yoga is the Ashtanga or 8 limbs of Patanjali: Yamas and Niyamas, Pranayama, Asana, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. These courses cover a range of themes from Patanjali, including these eight limbs, with a particular focus on techniques and understanding of Pratyahara.

Pratyahara is often interpreted as withdrawal of the mind from the senses. More widely it is the harmonisation of the patterns of mind and the capacity to remain undisturbed no matter what is happening in life.

About the approach of these courses

In this course you will find a practical down to earth approach to the Raja Yoga tradition taught through a mix of practical classes, tutorial discussion, activities and lectures. Concepts and Sanskrit terms, when used, are clearly explained and included according to their usefulness in every day life.

You will learn yoga skills and strategies to have confidence to manage life’s challenges more effectively.

About the ashram residential
  • Lectures, discussions and group work on Raja Yoga concepts and practices.
  • Integration of practices in ashram environment
  • Practical classes, yoga nidra and meditation with a Raja Yoga emphasis
  • Program will make the most of live group environment
About 10 week online component
  • Unique comprehensive manual
  • Weekly live online classes and lectures plus video recordings
  • Systematic development of personal practice (sadhana)
  • Access to additional Sharing and Learning Yoga classes to support personal practice
  • Weekly online tutorials and senior teacher support throughout the course.


These course will help you explore the experience of Sadhana, personal practice, through the prism of Raja Yoga, in the light of the Satyananda tradition of yoga.

This is done with the understanding that yoga is about taking responsibility for one’s own life, developing self-understanding and a positive approach to living.

When these skills are developed, any goal is possible. This whole developmental process has traditionally been referred to as Sadhana, the subtle discipline of a way of living adopted to reach one’s deeper goals.

Who are the courses for?

You don’t need any prerequisite knowledge for these courses, though prior classes in the Satyananda tradition will make the course more accessible.

Either or both Raja Yoga modules provide a comprehensive exploration of Raja Yoga. Whatever your prior experience, they will be useful for learning more about this essential aspect of yoga. The focus on how to better manage patterns of mind, and the events of daily life, is particularly helpful.

If you are an experienced practitioner or yoga teacher, the different approach to Raja Yoga taken in these courses will offer fresh insights.

These courses will create a systematic journey into the essential Satyananda tradition practices (asana, pranayama, meditation and  yoga nidra), meditation concepts and skills, and give you strategies for integrating yoga practices, attitudes and concepts into your daily life.

Besides learning many techniques and yoga practices, I’ve learned so much about myself during the course. Observing and reflecting on behaviors, thoughts, and emotions has created some space within to be at ease, to rest, to come back when feeling lost or entangled in the mind. I’m very grateful for this journey of self-discovery and self transformation.

Raja Yoga course participant 2022

Your Teachers

Swami Vimalratna will guide these courses leading a dedicated team of teachers. He is well known as a yoga course developer and teacher with the ability to make deep traditional knowledge clear and practical. He has a PhD on the topic of understanding and sharing cultural wisdom. This means that the courses are designed for immersion and true understanding, not an academic approach. Instead, there are useful tools with direct application in life and clear guidelines on how to use them. Learning is structured to build incrementally throughout the courses.

Vimalratna has 27 years experience teaching yoga and a Diploma in Satyananda Yoga Teaching. He is also an award winning filmmaker with degrees in graphic design and animation. Therefore, the courses have been prepared with creative high quality manuals, recordings and other resources. The whole learning process is steeped in personal understanding of yoga, to help make the experience enjoyable, approachable and real.

Weekly Timetable

for residential 22 – 27 September 2024

(Draft timetable – there may be some adjustments to this)



3-6pm: Arrive at Rocklyn Yoga Ashram and settle in

6.00pm: evening meal

7.00 -7.40pm: Welcome and introductions


6.00-7.30am: Morning Yoga class
7.30-7.45am: Chanting
8.00-8.30am: Breakfast
8.30-9.00am: Cleaning

9.30-11.30am: Morning theory session
11.30am-12pm: Tea
12pm-12.30: Yoga Nidra

12.30-1.00: lunch
1-2pm: Break
2-2.30pm: Tea

2.30-4.30pm: Karma Yoga (engagement in activities of ashram with a focus related to Raja Yoga)

5-6pm: meditation orientated practical class

6.00pm: evening meal

7.15 -7.45pm: Evening program


6.00-7.30am: Morning Yoga class
7.30-7.45am: Chanting
8.00-8.30am: Breakfast
8.30-9.00am: Cleaning

9.30-11.30am: Morning theory session
11.30am-12pm: Tea
12pm-12.30: Yoga Nidra

12.30-1.00: lunch
1-2pm: Break
2-2.30pm: Tea

2.30-4.30pm: Karma Yoga (engagement in activities of ashram with a focus related to Raja Yoga)

5-6pm: meditation orientated practical class

6.00pm: evening meal

7.15 -7.45pm: Evening program



6.00-7.30am: Morning Yoga class
7.30-7.45am: Chanting
8.00-8.30am: Breakfast
8.30-9.00am: Cleaning

9.30-11.30am: Morning theory session
11.30am-12pm: Tea
12pm-12.30: Yoga Nidra

12.30-1.00: lunch
1-2pm: Break
2-2.30pm: Tea

2.30-4.30pm: Karma Yoga (engagement in activities of ashram with a focus related to Raja Yoga)

5-6pm: meditation orientated practical class

6.00pm: evening meal

7.15 -7.45pm: Evening program



6.00-7.30am: Morning Yoga class
7.30-7.45am: Chanting
8.00-8.30am: Breakfast
8.30-9.00am: Cleaning

9.30-11.30am: Morning theory session
11.30am-12pm: Tea
12pm-12.30: Yoga Nidra

12.30-1.00: lunch
1-2pm: Break
2-2.30pm: Tea

2.30-4.30pm: Karma Yoga (engagement in activities of ashram with a focus related to Raja Yoga)

5-6pm: meditation orientated practical class

6.00pm: evening meal

7.15 -7.45pm: Evening program



6.00-7.30am: Morning Yoga class
7.30-7.45am: Chanting
8.00-8.30am: Breakfast
8.30-9.00am: Cleaning

9.30-11.30am: Morning theory session
11.30am-12pm: Tea
12pm-12.30: Yoga Nidra

12.30-1.00pm: lunch
1.00pm: Finish

Weekly Timetable

for ten week online component

(Draft timetable – there may be some adjustments to this)



Sunday 11.30-12pm – YOGA NIDRA, live, also recorded for practicing at your convenience.

Monday 6.30 -7.45pm – ASANA PRANAYAMA MEDITATION CLASS, Live, priority to attend, also recorded for later viewing.

Tuesday 5-6pm – LECTURE , live, also recorded for viewing at your convenience.

Friday 5-6pm or Saturday 9-10am TUTORIAL, Live, priority to attend, not recorded for privacy reasons.

Attendance key criteria for achieving certificate.


Optional, recommended, for full immersion experience. Classes will include Raja Yoga themes – included with course fee

Wednesday 7-8.05am – CLASS – Meditative Wednesday

Sunday 7-8.30am CLASS – Simple Sunday.

Big Day In with Yoga, (Usually Second Sunday each month)

Learning resources for the course

  • A systematic sadhana of asana, pranayama, yoga nidra, meditation and mantra is provided
  • A full original easy to follow manual with commentary explaining the practices, including specially prepared excerpts and commentary from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras,
  • Learning  website: audio, video and other learning resources
  • Weekly verses for reflection from Patanjali, with a related task to explore in daily life
  • Live lectures (recorded for flexible viewing) each week
  • Weekly live online tutorials with other course participants.
  • Practice classes timetable above. All classes may be done live or from video recordings for later practice. Come to at least one class per week, with deeper benefits from greater commitment
  • Ongoing email, text and phone support from experienced teachers throughout the length of the course
  • The main review tasks are a reflective diary to be submitted each fortnight, the development of a personal sadhana template, and participation in tutorials and practical classes.
  • Flexible options with live and/or recorded access to materials.
  • 10 hours per week with a high level of flexibility to suit personal circumstances