Dimensions of Yoga
Yoga Ashram
(10% discount for current and past Dimensions of Yoga students)
Includes all meals and accommodation.
5 days in Rocklyn Yoga Ashram with a structured program that embodies and explains key practical concepts and skills which may then be applied in daily life.
The ashram is a traditional place for learning the skills for balanced living. This innovative course has a comprehensive guided structure, a new manual, and ongoing access to web resources.
It applies the Dimensions of Yoga approach to the ashram system. Organised by Swami Vimalratna. Apply through Rocklyn Yoga Ashram.
Other ways to engage with Rocklyn Yoga Ashram
For ashram visits and other opportunities connected with being a Dimensions of Yoga student see below.
Ashram Life and
the Dimensions of Yoga
go together
Sharing and Learning Yoga Dimensions of Yoga students are encouraged to spend some during their course at Rocklyn Yoga Ashram. The atmosphere provides the opportunity to practically apply and explore many of the yoga skills learnt during the courses. The ashram stays on offer for Dimensions of Yoga students – from a weekend to a month or more – are incredible value.
Dimensions students have access to their Dimensions course resources, including live and recorded sessions, throughout their stay, and time for practice and study. The remainder of the time is engaged in ashram activities such as cooking, cleaning, gardening, and taking part in sessions such as yoga nidra, meditation, practical classes, havan and kirtan.
From 2021 a new structure to ashram life programs provides a scaffolding for understanding the key principles of life in the ashram, for example, principles related to karma yoga, such as efficiency, simplicity, regularity and equanimity, distilled into every day language. Living these attitudes with awareness, and developing practical skills, makes the ashram a highly dynamic place for living and learning. It also provides useful skills for managing everyday life when you go home.
Yoga Instructor internships
at Rocklyn Yoga Ashram
Participants in the Yoga Instuctor courses can particpate in the same ashram life program with the additional layer of opportunity to instruct classes to their level of skill in a mentored way during their stay.
One way to learn is to instruct often, to get as much practice as you can, and also to attend a range of other instructors classes. This happens during an ashram internship. Instructors continue to have access to online resources and classes to support their studies.
To discuss this contact us via the form below, or discuss with your course coordinator or Rocklyn Yoga Ashram.
For further on Rocklyn Yoga Ashram explore the Rocklyn website:
or fill in a contact form and we will get back to you.
Applications are through Rocklyn Yoga Ashram